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2017-06-07 10:28  来源:http://www.ceo315.org/  阅读:

Attorneys must be prepared to not panicupon realizing that the curveball is not going to drop into the strikezone.
I learned two life lessons from myparticipation in the “The Fifth of July” (affiliate link), a play by Lanford Wilson. One was during myfirst-ever male kissing scene. I learned what actresses go through with piggishactors who decide to “go for it” when the lights come up; we’ll leave it atthat. And two, I learned that when required to wear short shorts as part ofyour costume, you should always —always — wear underwear if you’re ever going to besitting down during your scenes.
I relay those two lessons tongue halfin cheek. They relate to in-house work in the sense that while preparation iskey, when the spit hits the fan, you need to first “grab the canoe”….
See, one hot summer day, my then-fianceand I went for a canoe trip on some unremembered Northeast river. The water wasnot deep, but the water was flowing swiftly. Somehow, we tipped the canoe, andshe began to panic. As the canoe began to float away from us, I told her to “grab the canoe.” This wasimportant because without our boat, we’d be up a creekholding only paddles. That phrase has become a code for us when things goquickly awry.
First, you must “grab the canoe” and get back tofloating; only then can you assess what else might be wrong (missingpossessions, food, wet socks, etc.). Things are going to go screwy during yourtenure as an attorney — they just will. You cannotpossibly plan for everything, but you can remember the mantra of “grab the canoe.” The canoe is a metaphor forthe stasis that usually surrounds your job. You are first and foremostrepresenting an entity. Chief Justice Roberts argues the fiction that theentity is somehow a person, but I digress. The entity is what keeps you and theother employees afloat. During a crisis, all of the happenings within theentity are to be worried about after first taking care to right your primaryclient, the business. Some things that occur in an emergency, or a quicklymoving negotiation, can be left behind, such as obsolete contractual language.Other issues are absolutely necessary in a publicly traded company — reporting requirements, for instance. And in the time it takes toread this column, some of these issues can overturn your company’s sense of balance, and leave you drifting.
I have written before about thenecessity of contingency plans, but what if there is simply no time to pull outthe book and turn to page 63? You are in a state of emergency, your stomach isin a knot, and the CEO is asking you some very difficult questions. Grab thecanoe. Take a breath and do your best. Put the issue of staying afloat at theforefront of your analyses. You may come up wrong, but you’ll likely surprise yourself. When I was brand new to law,I used to become easily awed by elder attorneys who could argue severaldifferent points of a legal issue, seemingly all at once. I wondered how theydid it, and despaired that I would never be that smart. It is not always “smarts” that gets you through, but theability to think quickly, act decisively, and rely on experience. There is nobetter teacher than failure. Those same attorneys who seemingly have theanswers to every turn of an issue will be quick to inform you that their “expertise” is largely borne of experience — especially when the canoe overturns.
That is what makes our professionspecial. Of course we are not saving lives, or curing dread disease. Wepractice law. The key is in the word “practice.” As you practice, answers become ingrained, and your expertisebegins to grow. After years of “practice,” you enable yourself to right tipped canoes, and assist stressedCEOs quickly, efficiently, and appropriately. But in the recesses of your mind,you must always be aware of the possibilities for crisis. Remember that in themoment you will rely on what you know and keep the primary focus on stayingafloat. You can allow yourself to let the what-ifs creep in once you are pastthe crisis and are happily ensconced at the third seat at the bar, with amartini safely in hand.
By David Mowry作者:大卫·毛瑞

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